7 Major Risk Factors of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

7 Major Risk Factors of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension affects the arteries that are on your heart’s right side and the arteries in your lungs. When you have PAH, the arteries are blocked, narrowed, or destroyed. PAH can lead to your heart muscles becoming weak over time and then failing. It is important to know the risk factors for PAH, so you are aware of whether you are likely to have this condition. 1. Family history Family history is one of the ways to find out if you are at high risk of PAH. If you have someone in your family who has had pulmonary arterial hypertension, then you are at a higher risk. The risk is higher if you have more than one family member who had PAH in their lives. This is actually true if you have a family member who had idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. 2. Age According to the American Thoracic Society, pulmonary arterial hypertension is diagnosed at 36. PAH has been found to affect those people between the ages of 20 and 60. However, it can occur at any age. For example, idiopathic PAH is diagnosed more often in younger adults rather than older adults. 3. Gender Gender also matters and can play a role in the likelihood of having PAH.
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Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma Never to Ignore

Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma Never to Ignore

Melanoma is one of the common cancers that can be treated successfully when detected early. Melanoma, a serious skin cancer, usually grows in melanocytes or cells producing melanin, the pigment that determines the skin color. The cause of melanoma is not known, but learning of the signs and symptoms of melanoma can help detect it before it is too late. It is believed to be caused because of overexposure to UV radiation. Important signs and symptoms of melanoma The risks of developing melanoma increase when one crosses the age of forty, particularly women. If one learns about the common signs and symptoms of melanoma cancer, they can detect the changes and start the treatment before it gets a chance to spread to other body parts. Melanoma will develop on the parts of skin that are visible, and this helps identify the condition. The best way is to keep checking for any unusual or new growths and changes in the shape and size of existing moles. In case one notices any of these symptoms, they should inform the doctor right away for a proper diagnosis. Most moles in the body are typically benign and harmless. A regular mole will be uniformly colored brown, tan, or black and is about the same size as a pencil’s eraser.
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5 Signs and Symptoms of Sarcoma

5 Signs and Symptoms of Sarcoma

Sarcoma can occur in fibrous tissues, fat, muscles, nerves, deep skin tissues, and blood vessels. These usually start in the legs and arms and can be found in the head or neck area, trunk, abdominal cavity, and internal organs. While there are more than 50 types of sarcoma, they are categorized into two main categories: bone sarcoma or osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma. While there is no cure, knowing the signs and symptoms of sarcoma can help you diagnose it in time and get the necessary treatment. To help you, here are five common signs and symptoms of sarcoma. 1. Lumps Usually, signs and symptoms of sarcoma are painless swellings or lumps, which makes early detection impossible. Most lumps are painless; however, as they grow in size, they might press against a muscle or a nerve and cause pain. This can lead to difficulty in movement or breathing. 2. Stomach pains Sometimes, in the uterus, there can be benign tumors called fibroids, and these can often outnumber sarcomas. However, no matter where they may be located, you should inform your doctor about any lumps that are more than 2 inches in size. Especially if they feel larger in size over time or are becoming painful.
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Key Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Key Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer, as the name suggests, develops in the prostate gland. This gland is responsible for releasing seminal fluid for sperm production. While this is one of the most common forms of cancer, it grows slowly and stays confined to the gland, making it slightly less menacing than others. Also, it may require only minimal or no treatment at all. However, some cases appear to be aggressive and can advance quickly. When prostate cancer gets detected early, it is still confined to the gland, making it easier to treat it successfully. Usually, men do not show any visible signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, but some things can indicate the possibility of developing it later on. The most common symptoms of prostate cancer are discussed below. 1. Problems in urination When one notices a weak or slow urinary stream, they should get themselves checked by a doctor, as it could be a sign of prostate cancer. 2. Increased urination Some people with this form of cancer experience a frequent urge to urinate, especially at night. 3. Blood in the urine If one notices traces of blood in the semen or urine, they should not take it lightly; this could indicate prostate cancer.
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5 Tips to Prevent Cervical Cancer

5 Tips to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a condition that affects women. The HPV or human papillomavirus is responsible in many cases for this cancer. Avoiding this virus can help prevent this disease. There are many other ways of trying to prevent this cancer. The article lists out tips to prevent cervical cancer: 1. Get vaccinated One of the most useful tips to prevent cervical cancer is to get vaccinated. Since HPV is the main cause of this cancer, the HPV vaccine can help prevent infections. It prevents infections from two types of HPV that costs most of the cancers. The vaccine is to be given to girls before they become sexually active. It can be given even at the age of 9. It is usually given prior to the age of 26 and must be taken before 45. Both men and women can get vaccinated. 2. Get screened regularly Screening for cervical cancer can help detect this cancer before it progresses. When detected at a very early stage, treatment is more effective. A Pap test is the best way to detect cervical cancer. The Pap smear test is used to collect samples of the cervical cells, and they are sent for testing. A HPV test is usually done along with a Pap smear to detect the presence of the HPV in the body.
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Common Treatment Options for Acid Reflux and GERD

Common Treatment Options for Acid Reflux and GERD

GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition where the acid in the stomach flows backward into the mouth and esophagus. This phenomenon is called acid reflux. Since the esophagus is not designed to withstand frequent reflux, its lining gets irritated. Milder cases can be managed by modifying diet and lifestyle habits. More severe cases lead to GERD and require treatment. Given below are some of the common treatment options for acid reflux and GERD. 1. Lifestyle changes Losing weight helps ease GERD. One should avoid the habit of lying down immediately after a meal. Wherever you do lie down, elevate your head so that gravity can help the stomach keep its contents within more easily. This can be achieved by placing blocks under the mattress at the head of the bed. Foods and beverages that make the stomach more acidic only add to acid reflux problems. Alcohol and foods that are high in fats are to be avoided. Eating large meals also increases the pressure on the stomach. One should, additionally, avoid wearing clothing that is very tight around the stomach region. 2. Antacids Antacids are readily available over the counter. They help to temporarily reduce the acid levels of the stomach contents.
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5 Treatment Options for Asthma

5 Treatment Options for Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory disease that may be acute or chronic. It can cause wheezing, breathlessness, and other respiratory symptoms that can cause a lot of distress. Asthma can be treated, and people need not suffer from these symptoms. Asthma, a respiratory ailment, when severe, can lead to death. Acute asthma is where asthma conditions occur due to an allergy. On the other hand, chronic asthma is where the symptoms repeatedly occur for a long time. The objective of asthma treatment is to provide relief from the symptoms of an asthma attack. It also aims to prevent an asthma attack through the use of different treatment options. Sometimes, asthma occurs due to allergies or some trigger factors. Avoiding these triggers can help prevent asthma. 1. Inhalers One of the key treatment options for asthma is the use of inhalers. An inhaler allows the medication to be directly sent to the lungs. This ensures immediate relief from symptoms like wheezing and breathlessness. These inhalers can have bronchodilators that help to open up blocked airways. A combination of beta-antagonist for bronchodilation and a steroid help relieve inflammation in inhalers. Steroid inhalers can be helpful in providing long-term relief from symptoms. However, long-term use can cause side effects.
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Effective Treatment Options for Nasal Polyps

Effective Treatment Options for Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are growths in the nasal cavity or sinus that causes breathing problems and other symptoms. Even though they are non-cancerous, they can cause complications, which is why they need treatment. The article lists the various treatment options for nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are non-cancerous growth in the nasal cavities or the sinuses. It is believed that they develop due to inflammation. When they are small, they cause no symptoms. If they grow, they block the nose/sinuses and can lead to allergy or asthma symptoms. If not treated, the polyps can cause complications like sleep apnea, persistent blocked nose, breathing problems, and recurrent sinus infections. 1. Medications One of the main treatment options for nasal polyps is the use of medications. Medication can help shrink the polyps. The medications used include the following. Corticosteroids Corticosteroids help reduce or shrink polyps in the nose. Usually, they are given in the form of nasal sprays. Fluticasone, Beclomethasone, and Mometasone are commonly prescribed. If they are not effective, then they may be prescribed as injections or oral medications. Prednisone is commonly used as an oral corticosteroid. Steroids can have side effects and are given in a limited way. Other medications Another medication Dupilumab may be given if the nasal polyps are causing chronic sinusitis.
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Effective Ways to Treat an Overactive Bladder

Effective Ways to Treat an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder (OAB) can be distressing and can cause embarrassing situations. Thankfully, this condition can be treated and you can gain relief from its symptoms. This article lists out the many treatment options for overactive bladder: 1. Medication One of the first treatment options for an overactive bladder is the use of medications. Anticholinergics are medicines that help block the nerve signals that make the bladder contract. This increases bladder capacity and helps you get a better control over your bladder muscles. Some other medications used for the treatment of OAB are oxybutynin, tolterodine, trospium, and solifenacin. These medicines can be helpful, but they can also cause side effects, such as a dry mouth, increased heartrate, and blurred vision; they should hence be taken with care and medical guidance. 2. Kegel exercises Kegel exercises are a natural way of treating OAB. These exercises, also known as pelvic floor exercises, can help strengthen the bladder muscles. When done daily, they can help manage the problem of OAB naturally. The exercise involves contracting and relaxing the muscles that control urination. This helps strengthen them. 3. Diet The diet you follow can affect the working of your bladder. Certain substances like coffee and alcohol can make the kidneys produce more urine.
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The Worst U.S. Cities for Allergy Sufferers

The Worst U.S. Cities for Allergy Sufferers

Allergies are ranked among the most common causes of chronic illnesses in the country. Over 50 million people experience allergies ever year, and their environment and surroundings have major roles to play in this. Read on for a list of some of the worst US cities to live in for people with allergies. 1. Bridgeport This US city is slowly witnessing a long allergy season, which means it is one of the worst cities to live in for people with seasonal allergies. Plus, it has a warm climate that makes particles stay on the ground for longer. 2. New Haven New Haven has poor air quality and has been found to have high pollen count. So, people with breathing issues should steer clear of this city. 3. Pittsburgh Box elders, elm, and Eastern red cedars are some of the pollen-producing trees in Pittsburgh that make it a nightmare for people with allergies and respiratory conditions. 4. Richmond There are three reasons why Richmond should be avoided by people with allergies: it doesn’t have sufficient allergists, it has a high pollen count, and it has a high allergy medicine usage. 5. Springfield While it may look wonderful, Springfield is unlivable for people with allergies because of its location in a valley, which means a lot of air pollution and allergens.
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