7 IBS-Friendly Foods to Eat

7 IBS-Friendly Foods to Eat

Those diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome or IBS are usually so caught up in learning and avoiding IBS triggers that they often overlook the need to know which foods are actually good for them. The real challenge is in knowing which foods can help you ease the symptoms and make IBS better instead of focusing on foods that will not make the condition worse than it already is. Here are the top foods to eat to alleviate symptoms of IBS: 1. Lean meat Lean meats are rich sources of proteins, and these are easy to digest. Since the bacteria in the stomach cannot ferment them, they do not produce unwanted gas or bloating. So, people with IBS can safely consider white meat chicken or turkey, lean beef cuts, and pork as IBS foods to eat. The fatty cuts, however, will have unhealthy toxins and pro-inflammatory fats; so, it is best to avoid dark-colored meats. 2. Fatty fish Oily fish like salmon or mackerel fight inflammation in the body, which helps ease IBS symptoms. So, eating omega-3 rich fatty fish like black cod, anchovy, rainbow trout, sardines, herring, etc., can be an excellent dietary choice. 3. Eggs These are easy to digest and are believed to be safe for IBS patients; you can eat scrambled, boiled, or poached eggs.
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Foods That Help Tackle Depression

Foods That Help Tackle Depression

Depression is a mental disorder. It can affect people of all ages. It can be experienced in a series of ways. Over time, it affects the overall health of the person. Depression can lead to mood swings, immense sadness, annoyance, self-pity, and anger, among many other things. These emotions make the person’s life difficult, and they may be unable to perform day-to-day activities. Under normal conditions, too, eating certain food items can alleviate the mood. Similarly, when a person is suffering from depression, an intake of certain food can help to boost their mood and overall health. Several studies have linked food to depression. Eating a balanced diet is crucial to managing this condition. Here are a few foods that a depression sufferer should eat: 1. Whole grains Whole grain food items like brown rice, millet, and quinoa can are loaded with fiber, which helps keep the brain and body active and healthy. Whole grains are, hence, highly recommended to people fighting depression. 2. Green leafy vegetables Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and microgreens are rich in folic acid. There are studies to prove that depression patients have low levels of folic acid in their body. So consumption of green leafy vegetables on a regular basis will help increase folic acid levels in their bodies, thereby strengthening them to battle depression.
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9 Natural Eczema Remedies from the Kitchen

9 Natural Eczema Remedies from the Kitchen

Eczema is also called atopic dermatitis. Commonly it is seen in children, but it occurs in older adults. Eczema causes reddening of the skin along with itchiness. In most cases, the condition is chronic. There is no cure for this disease, but treatments are available along with some natural remedies. To help you, here are nine natural eczema remedies from your kitchen. 1. Coconut oil Dry skins cause episodes of eczema. However, applying coconut oil, which is a natural moisturizer, prevents the skin from drying. Additionally, coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. 2. Evening primrose The plant extract, evening primrose, has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of omega-6 fatty acids. Evening primrose plant extracts are available as oral supplements in the market. 3. Adding oils to bath Add a small bowl of vegetable oil to your warm bath. This will help to moisturize dry skin, which is responsible for flares of eczema. Another natural remedy ingredient that you can fetch from your kitchen is olive oil. Mix two teaspoons of olive oil to a glass of milk and add this mixture to the bath. This is another way of keeping your skin moisturized throughout the day. 4. Oatmeal To reduce itching that is associated with eczema, take a cup of plain oatmeal, and blend it.
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The Healthy Truth About Water

The Healthy Truth About Water

Water is one of the essential building blocks of life. Our bodies are approximately 60 percent water, with plenty of fluids needed to keep everybody hydrated. Whether you choose filtered water or flavored sparkling water, there is little as refreshing as a cold glass of water. Drinking water is an excellent way of flushing out the system, with water for diabetics lowering blood pressure. The best water bottles keep fluids cold and remind us to stay hydrated throughout the day. Here are some healthy hydration tips: 1. You can be dehydrated and not thirsty Dehydration affects people in different ways. Feeling thirsty is one of the ways people often show initial signs of dehydration. It is possible to be dehydrated without feeling thirsty. Older people constantly report not feeling thirsty despite showing other signs of dehydration. Among the best ways of avoiding dehydration is making drinking water a part of your daily routine. Choosing one of the best water bottles helps to make water a part of your everyday routine. 2. You can drink too much water It is possible to drink too much water and cause medical issues. This is usually a problem for athletes looking to stay hydrated during endurance races.
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Foods to Avoid on a Cruise

Foods to Avoid on a Cruise

Cruises can be a lot of fun. From the various exciting activities to the joy of being out at sea, there are plenty of reasons to love cruises. This love, of course, can extend to the food that is served on cruise ships. However, while plenty of foods can be very tasty and of exceptional quality, there are also some foods that might be best to avoid when you’re out at sea. So, before you browse those European River Cruises and Senior Cruise Deals, keep reading to learn more about some foods that you should avoid while on a cruise: 1. Sushi While sushi is absolutely delicious, it’s best to avoid it while on a cruise alongside other dishes involving uncooked seafood such as oysters. Although safe food handling is taken very seriously by cruises, it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to raw seafood—especially when you don’t know how long it’s been sitting out. In short, skip the sushi and opt for something that you can be 100% sure about. 2. Scrambled eggs If you’re perusing the breakfast buffet on your cruise, you might find a vat of scrambled eggs. And, while scrambled eggs are a staple to most breakfasts, it may be best to skip them while out at sea.
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