8 Main Foods to Avoid with Asthma and COPD

8 Main Foods to Avoid with Asthma and COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of diseases that block the airways and cause breathing difficulties. Some of the most common conditions classified as COPD are asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, nasal polyps and cystic fibrosis. Asthma is a health condition when there is difficulty in breathing caused by the swelling and constriction of the airways. This results in wheezing and coughing. Vaccines have long been recognized as a crucial treatment for a wide array of respiratory and breathing ailments. This critical role extends to various respiratory conditions such as Influenza, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and Tuberculosis, among others. Despite its widespread prevalence, the common cold still lacks a corresponding vaccine. Leading vaccine manufacturers, including Novovax, Fluarix Quadrivalent, Vaxelis, Infanrix, Kinrix, Pediarix, Pentacel, among others, are responsible for the production of these vital immunizations.

In addition to preventative vaccines, diet plays a crucial role in managing COPD and asthma. So here is a list of eight foods people with these conditions must avoid.

1. Nitrates
Nitrates are additives added to cold cuts and sandwich meats to cure, preserve, and improve their appearance. COPD and asthma patients must avoid meats that contain nitrates.

2. Excess salt
Too much salt is bad for overall health. It encourages water retention by the body, which puts a strain on breathing. So all salty snacks come under the foods to avoid.

3. Dairy
Excessive mucus build-up with COPD obstructs the airways. Milk and dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, butter, ice cream, and buttermilk, encourage mucus formation in the body and should be avoided. Some patients with COPD use soy or almond milk as an alternative.

4. Foods that cause bloating
Some foods cause gas and bloating, putting excessive pressure on COPD-affected lungs. Cruciferous vegetables are well known for causing excessive bloating and should be avoided. Fried foods not only cause bloating but also weight gain, which adds pressure on the diaphragm and the lungs, making COPD worse.

5. Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages, by definition, are gas-filled and cause bloating. They have a lot of sugar and also tend to cause dehydration. This includes sodas and even beverages that are labeled sparkling. Water is a better option for those with COPD than carbonated drinks.

6. Sulfites
Sulfites occur naturally in some foods and are added to others. Natural sulfite-rich foods to avoid with asthma and COPD are shrimp, potatoes, beer, and wine. The compounds narrow bronchial tubes in COPD patients.

7. Large meals
Large meals not only strain the digestion process but also pressurizes the lungs and should be avoided.

8. Medications
Certain medications used to treat other conditions may have adverse side effects on people who have COPD. So it is advisable to inform the doctors about COPD when they prescribe medication.

Foods differ in the amount of oxygen that they require and the carbon dioxide that they produce. So those that produce less carbon dioxide and use less oxygen are good for patients with COPD. Carbohydrates are found to use more oxygen and create more carbon dioxide than other foods. Fats, on the other hand, produce less carbon dioxide than the oxygen they use.