7 Benefits of Clear Braces

7 Benefits of Clear Braces

Clear braces or clear aligner trays are a popular choice among adults and children who want to straighten their teeth. Here are some of the top benefits of clear braces that you should be aware of when compared to metal braces.

1. Less time to straighten teeth
Clear braces have the benefit of straightening your teeth in less amount of time when compared to traditional metal braces. The whole point of clear braces is for better alignment of your teeth and when you have clear braces, you can ensure you get straighter teeth at a faster time. It takes many months less for your teeth to get aligned with clear braces than with traditional braces.

2. Comfortable to wear
Clear aligners are more comfortable than metal braces. Metal braces need adjustments to be done often and this is often accompanied by pain. This is not the case with clear braces. Moreover, metal braces tend to cut the inside of the mouth often. This is eliminated in clear braces because there are no sharp edges in it.

3. Cleaning is easier
Clear trays are removable, so cleaning them is a much simpler task than metal braces which poses a challenge. When you wish to clean your teeth you can remove the braces and then brush and floss your teeth as usual. This helps prevent tooth decay and ensures there is no food particle stuck in-between your teeth. Hence, you will be able to maintain oral hygiene.

4. Easy to maintain
Clear aligners are low on maintenance in comparison to metal braces and cost less in comparison. For example, you won’t need to take as many dental appointments with your dentist when you have clear braces. However, with traditional braces, you need to constantly ensure everything is alright. Metal braces are also on the expensive side.

5. Almost invisible
Clear braces are meant to be nearly invisible, and so they aren’t as visible. In the case of traditional metal braces, they are quite visible, both the wires and the brackets. For people who want to avoid the embarrassment of wearing metal braces, opting for clear braces is the answer. Clear aligners often go unnoticed by people, even when you are standing close to them.

6. You can eat anything
When you have clear braces, it becomes easy for you to eat anything you wish. This is because you can simply remove the clear trays and eat what you want. Hence, you don’t need to worry about being unable to eat your favorite dish like pizzas as long as you are not experiencing any problems while chewing or biting.

7. Protect from teeth-grinding
Clear braces can protect you from teeth grinding. A study found that over 25 million Americans grind their teeth in their sleep. Clear aligners automatically protect your teeth, in this case, to ensure your teeth are safe from being damaged during the process of grinding your teeth. If you don’t know that you grind your teeth then your clear braces might be protecting your teeth nonetheless.