6 Delicious and Healthy Additions to Coffee

6 Delicious and Healthy Additions to Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular and loved beverages across the world. In fact, a cup of coffee is the perfect beverage for many to kick start their day since it provides ample doses of antioxidants to enhance energy levels to perform several tasks. While the calories that come with various additions are bothering you, some healthy yet simple hacks make your cup of joe a beneficial one.

Some healthy and tasty additions to coffee are mentioned below:

1. Add cinnamon
If you’re looking to enhance the coffee flavor minus the calories, add a dash of cinnamon. It’s a tasty spice that goes well with coffee and is a rich source of antioxidants. It has numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, promoting heart health, lowering blood glucose levels, reducing cholesterol, and managing type 2 diabetes. Choose Ceylon cinnamon instead of Cassia cinnamon to maximize the health benefits and reduce adverse effects on the body.

2. Add cocoa
Unsweetened cocoa or dark chocolate are exceptional additions to a cup of hot coffee. Both provide fantastic health benefits, like promoting balanced cholesterol and preventing the risk of developing cancer. It’s a great addition to make your mocha, and the rich doses of antioxidants reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Vanilla extract
Some like their coffee sweet. However, adding sugar or processed creamers is not recommended due to the high calories and fat. But you still can relish coffee with a dash of sweetness by adding vanilla extract. It’s known as a superfood for the brain and boosts mental health, improves mood, and promotes overall brain health. Vanilla extract can also relieve you from stomach aches and digestive issues, including providing a soothing effect to reduce joint pain, and is an excellent stress-buster.

4. Coconut milk
Having coffee with milk can be a problem for those with lactose intolerance. Even otherwise, excluding milk from coffee is good if you want to maintain a low-calorie count. Instead, switch to mixing coconut milk with a rich source of vitamins C, E, and B, including antioxidants, magnesium, and iron. These powerful ingredients in coconut milk will promote bone health, keep teeth healthy, and enhance the brain’s functions, kidneys, and promotes heart health.

5. Include ginger
Ginger gives your coffee a new and exciting flavor with loads of health benefits. Add a few slices of fresh ginger root or a few tablespoons of ginger powder to your coffee. It’s an excellent combination that is delicious and aids in better digestion, and calms your stomach. Ginger also treats gas and bloating while soothing sore throats and relieving you from cold. The excellent anti-inflammatory properties also reduce inflammation of the joints and relieve you from arthritis. Coffee with ginger is also known to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

6. Add cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper can spice up your favorite cup of joe and will stimulate your taste buds with every sip. It gives you a nutrient boost and helps manage stomach problems. This potent spice is also known to reduce a lack of appetite and regulates circulation throughout the body. Consuming this coffee regularly also relieves you from headaches and prevents heart diseases.