13 Common Triggers of Migraine

13 Common Triggers of Migraine

The precise cause of migraine has still not been found, but many things can trigger a migraine attack. Here are some of the common triggers of migraine symptoms that you should be aware of and avoid, if you suffer from frequent migraine attacks.

1. Odors
According to a study, 95 percent of people cited perfume as being the most common olfactory trigger of migraines. However, other odors can also be classified as triggers, such as foods that have a strong smell, smoke, chemical odors, gasoline, and cleaning products.

2. Foods
Certain foods are also a common migraine triggers, and so is fasting. Several studies have found that chocolate is one of the most common migraine triggers. Other migraine triggers include fermented foods, pickled foods, cheese, and salami.

3. Weather
Weather changes can lead to migraine attacks. Both cold and hot weather are common triggers. Sunny weather has also been found to be a migraine trigger. In some studies, it has been found that lightning and thunderstorms also lead to migraine attacks.

4. Stress
Stress can lead to migraines. Several reports suggest that those who are highly stressed have a higher tendency of suffering from a migraine attack. A sudden increase or decrease in stress levels can also lead to a migraine attack.

5. Medication overuse
Overusing medications like painkillers can trigger a migraine in many people. Moreover, it can even make you go from having a migraine occasionally to developing a chronic migraine problem.

6. Physical activity
High-intensity exercises can trigger a migraine attack. People who state that exercising is a migraine trigger say that it all started with neck pain and progressed to a migraine attack, which caused a lot of discomfort and pain.

7. Alcohol
A study found that a third of the people had their migraine triggered due to alcohol. Moreover, red wine is more likely to cause a migraine than white wine, as it has greater levels of histamine.

8. Hunger
Skipping meals is one of the common migraine triggers. Although researchers are not yet sure why this happens, they presume it is because of the drop in blood glucose levels when you skip meals. Similarly, dehydration is another migraine trigger.

9. Hormones
Women are three times as likely as men to have a migraine attack, and this might be due to the several hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body. Many women cite menstruation as a reason behind their migraines. A study found that oral contraceptives can also cause a migraine flare-up.

10. Food additives
Food additives can trigger migraines and headaches. One of the most common triggers is the artificial sweetener called aspartame. Another trigger is monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is used to enhance the flavor of certain foods.

11. Light and sounds
Pulsating or bright lights are a common trigger of migraine attacks. A study found that some people had migraine attacks when they were out in the sun even for a brief time. Loud sounds can trigger migraine attacks too.

12. Caffeine
Any beverage that contains caffeine is likely to trigger a migraine attack in many people. This is why ensuring that you don’t over-consume foods high in caffeine is important. Some examples of caffeinated beverages include energy drinks, tea, coffee, and soft drinks.

13. Too much or too little sleep
Sleeping too much or less than required are both triggers of a migraine. Sleep conditions like insomnia are associated with migraine attacks too. Any type of sleep disturbance can lead to a migraine attack.